If you like writing Less instead of CSS, you shouldn’t have to run scripts in your terminal like this is 1992, or install apps that do nothing except babysit your style files.
Crunch lets you write Less, Sass, CoffeeScript, Markdown*, and then automatically saves CSS, JavaScript, and HTML after you’ve made changes. Want to write just plain CSS? XML? Haskell? MUSHCode? Crunch lets you do that too.
Using width, max-width and margin: auto; As mentioned in the previous chapter; a block-level element always takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can). Edit the markdown source for 'third-party-compilers' Node.js Compilers. Grunt-contrib-less; assemble-less: Full-featured Grunt.js plugin for compiling Less files to CSS, with additional options for maintaining libraries of Less components and themes.For advanced users, this plugin allows you to define and manage Less 'packages' or 'bundles' using JSON, Lo-dash(underscore) templates (e.g.
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Crunch 2 is an editor that lets you do what you want. Because Crunch loves you.
Command Lines are OVER
Forget Grunt. Forget Gulp. Just write what you like, and save what you need.
Free for Less
Not less stuff, dummy; we mean Less, the CSS preprocessing language. Crunch 1 compiles Less for free, and so does Crunch 2.
Crunchable Views
See all the @imports for your Less or Stylus project, and nothing else. Until you want to.
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Watch For Changes
Even if you don’t have a file open, Crunch will watch your files and re-compile when needed. How? Magic.
Peek at your History
New in Crunch 2: get a running log of Crunch history. (Ha, I just pictured a running log.)
Fix Errors Faster
If there’s an error while Crunching a file, you can jump instantly to that line of the file. Pretty much Crunch takes the crown here.
Better For Teams
Crunch 2 saves settings in your project, so that compiling won’t create code conflicts. And no one likes conflict.
Lightning Fast
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Crunch 2 is a complete re-write from Crunch 1. We have killed Adobe AIR, and on its corpse we installed a revved-up Chromium V8 engine.
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* Just FYI, compiling stuff besides Less requires Crunch 2 Pro. So you’re probably going to want that.